Please attend one - or both - of these Open House events at the
Mellwood, dear friends!
Friday, February 27, 5:00pm to 11:00pm:
For the F.A.T. Friday Hop, Catclaw Theatre Company invites the public
to come up and visit our costume/props workshop! There will be free
refreshments and interesting items for sale, so please come out, bring
a friend, and help support the cause to which we are all so devoted!
There will also be clearly marked signs and indicators to get you to
our space (Unit #250) in the Mellwood Arts and Entertainment Center,
1860 Mellwood Avenue.
Saturday, February 28, 2:00pm to 11:00pm:
A more informal Open House than the Friday night party. All afternoon
and evening long, we'll be keeping the place open for visitors,
providing snacks and drinks, and hawking all sorts of collectible
items that we're letting go super cheap - all to set us towards our
goal of having our own brick-and-mortar theatre by this time next
Jeffrey Scott Holland,
Artistic Director
Catclaw Theatre Company
Mellwood Arts & Entertainment Center
1860 Mellwood Avenue
Louisville, KY 40206
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