One of the the greatest poetic litanies of the Beat Generation came not from Kerouac, Burroughs nor Ginsberg, but from the mind of Hollywood hack writer Mel Welles:
Now there's a race for space,
We can cough blood on the moon soon;
Tomorrow is dragsville, cats,
Tomorrow is a king-size drag.
Check out this quasi-bohemian para-Voraxical clip from the 1958 teenybopper exploitation flick "High School Confidential". That's Phillipa Fallon as the beatnik chick, and Jackie "Uncle Fester" Coogan poundin' the eighty-eights and staring at her rear end.
View: Phillipa Fallon - High School Drag

Above: The audience at a Voraxium show, bummed by the utter lack of commercial entertainment potential.
Tomorrow is a drag, man. I always liked to spin this bit on the Manley/Dockery era of the Late Late Show on WRFL 88.1FM Lexington at least once a month or so.