Kay Laurell, born in 1890. Appeared 96% nude in the Ziegfeld Follies as "September Morn" (photo above). Made a handful of films such as 1919's Valley of the Giants and 1921's Lonely Heart.
H.L. Mencken said she possessed "all the arts of the really first-rate harlot" and was "the most successful practitioner of her trade of her generation in New York." He stated, "Much of what I got from her, in fact, went into In Defense of Women".
(Photo below: Kay Laurell on the beach in Washington, D.C. circa 1922, accurately retro-colorized by Fredric Falcon on the wonderful photo site Shorpy.)



Despite the denial, apparently the incident was real, and it's unknown why she attempted the cover it up. She retired from showbiz in 1925, and died in 1927 of pneumonia.
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